Helpful customer account info at a glance
By using Breww as the centre of all customer interactions, you have everything you could need to know about your customers at your fingertips. Not only do you have sales history and previously purchased items, but your contacts, tasks, previous activity and tracked containers in trade with the customer. You can upload files to Breww for safe keeping (such as contracts), invite them to your trade store, check their account balance and much more.
Filter your customer lists with unrivaled power
Breww's advanced filtering tools allow you to query your customer list on heaps of conditions and save these lists for quick access in the future. Looking for customers who are pubs, last ordered from you over 30 days ago and have an average order value of over £100? No problem, Breww can rustle up those customers for you in just a couple of clicks. If you can think of a customer segment, Breww can find the customers that fit it for you. You can then turn them into a saved list for easy review (and it's automatically updated as customers join or leave the criteria).
Identify opportunities with our customer map view
Customer lists are great, but they're not much good for visualising local areas that are not stocking your quality beers. View all your customers plotted on a map and make informed decisions on prospects at a glance. Click on any Google Maps bar/pub/restaurant/etc and quickly add it to your leads sales pipeline.
Input orders, issue invoices & credit notes and manage payments
Lightning fast order input makes Breww a pleasure for sales teams to use. Issue invoices (which can be synced to your accountancy software), manage customer payments and create credit notes. You can even let Breww automatically invoice orders at the point of delivery - or take control of this manually if you prefer.
Fully customisable PDF document templates
Your branding is a vital part of running a successful brewery, and it's important that your invoices, credit notes & delivery notes look the part too. Breww has some beautiful document templates built-in which will even pick up on the primary colours in your logo and automatically customise the document to be on brand without you needing to configure anything!
Sometimes however, you may want something completely different - Breww has you covered here with fully customisable PDF document templates, all you need is some HTML/CSS skills (or speak to your web-designer).
Track customer balances and enforce credit limits
Making sure your customers pay you, is a vital part of running a successful business. Breww gives you the tools you need to ensure all payments are tracked, allocated suitably and customer balances are clearly shown. You can even get Breww to manage the customer's credit limit for you and prevent accidental delivery of orders which would cause the customer to go over their agreed terms.
See & quickly record sales activities
Record customer activity, such as phone calls & meetings in a couple of clicks. Breww will show these in the customer's activity, along with other automatically added entries such as order history. When completing an activity, you can set a reminder for the next follow up, and trust Breww to add this to your tasks list for that date (or assign it to a colleague and it will show on their task list).
Use price books to make pricing for different types of customers simple to manage
Managing the prices of lots of products is simple with our price books. Set up price books and assign customers to them (for example, Trade and Retail). You can even set up discount price books, such as one that takes the Trade price and applies a 10% discount to all, with it automatically updating the discounted price when the main Trade price book is updated. There's plenty of options for even more fancy things like quantity based discount bands, if you need them too!
Manage parent companies, with centralised billing and more
Sell to pubs owned by chains or so-called Pub Co's? You can group these customers together in Breww for invoicing and more, while keeping them separate for delivery addresses and sales management activities.
Manage dynamic customer lists
Using our advanced filtering (mentioned above), you can create lists of customers based on specific customers or a set of rules to have the list automatically add customers to it when they match the criteria or drop them when they no longer do.
Schedule automatically repeating orders
Do you have customers who take regular deliveries of the same order? Easily add a "repeating order schedule" onto any existing order and let Breww take yet another hassle away from you. We will then generate these orders for you to ensure they never get missed, or have mistakes that can arise from manual data entry.
You can configure a number of options (shown in the screenshot), such as if the order should be created in advance of the delivery to help you ensure that the stock is ready on time. You can even set limits for the "end date" or the number of automatic orders to create, which makes this work well for B2C sales too - for example, where you make a monthly drop on a 1 year subscription.
As everything is customisable, the options to create the schedule to your own needs are limitless!
Create your own customer types
Customer types can be used to apply different rules/policies to your pub customers vs your hotel customers, for example. You can configure the customer types that apply to you and rules such as how long deliveries to these customers take, best-before date adjustments and how to sync their orders to your accountancy software. And of course, filtering in customer lists.
Add custom fields to customers to store everything you need
Out of the box, Breww has sensible fields for the customer information that you might want to track (with most being optional). If you want to track other information, you can create your own custom fields. You can declare these as numbers, dates, a choice of options, etc and let Breww validate that the input from your team is always in the right format. Inaccurate or inconsistent data is much less useful to you than structured & validated data. It's up to you to decide if a field is optional or required.
Automatic delivery charge calculations
If you charge delivery to your customers, you can tell Breww how to calculate the delivery charge (based upon weight or value) and let Breww handle this for you. It's simple to create your charge structures, and choose which customers they apply to. You can make multiple charge structures so the rules for your local deliveries can be different to those further afield, or vary them depending on the type of customer (such as pubs vs individual consumers).
Track containers in-trade & organise uplifts
If you use tracked containers, Breww will always let you see which containers are with which customers, in addition to those with you at the brewery. From Breww's unified customer management tools you can see the containers with a customer at a glance. We can even add a reminder for them on the bottom of your invoices for you automatically, if you'd like. We've a whole section on our container tracking as it's so advanced - if you're using a separate platform for this, you won't need it after switching to Breww!
Upload files for safe-keeping in your customer record
Contracts and other agreements are hard to file sensibly. Folders on your computer get out of date or potentially lost if backups are not taken often. These and any other files, photos or documents can be securely uploaded for safe-keeping next to your customer record in Breww. We'll keep them safe and let you access them from anywhere, on any device with an internet connection.
GDPR compliant data redaction
In a perfect world, you'd never lose any customers - and if you do, they wouldn't ask for their personal data to be removed too. With Breww you know you can be GDPR compliant easily with our simple to use data redaction tool. We'll keep anonymised details of the customer's order history and more so your reports always make sense, but remove anything which needs to be removed under the GDPR requirements.
Track ullages to ensure beer duty is recovered when beer sold is lost/spoiled
Breww helps you manage your ullages, allowing for these to be entered and automatically ensuring you don't pay more beer duty that you have to. We're on your side! Detailed records being kept safely, forever, so you can show HMRC if they ever ask.
Full Circle case study