Having been issued their brewing license back in 1642, The Three Tuns Brewery is steeped in history and proud to be the oldest working brewery in the UK. Three Tuns Brewery holds tradition in the highest regard, making legendary ales in the traditional way. Moving with the times, the online shop was launched in the winter of 2020, delivering iconic beers to real ale enthusiasts all over the UK.
I had worked at Three Tuns Brewery for many years in different roles before becoming Operations Manager. All of the departments had a common theme, a lack of visibility and organisation. We were not able to share information or have a true handle on traceability. If we were to grow our business, we had to reduce the possible error rate, increase efficiency and have a system in place for our industry.
Journey to Breww...
Our entire brewery was managed by paper and Excel spreadsheets, this gave us huge inefficiencies - inefficiencies that we didn’t realise were possible to overcome. We wanted software that would be our one-stop shop, our go-to source of all information, with the ability to automate and sync data to our POS and accounting whilst ensuring that all data was available to all parts of the business - and we wanted it quickly!
In a bid to get software in place, we acted quickly, too quickly, and with little research. We opted for Brewman as our platform - this was very short-lived.
Additional costs per user, additional subscriptions, continuous dropout of sign-ins - Brewman was not adding the desired benefit to our business! It was very obvious that we had made an error here, so only a few months in, we’re back at square one. After some proper research, I booked a demo with Breww.
It was very clear from the outset that Breww was different, obviously designed from the ground up specifically for breweries - we’ve found our system!
Having changed our set-up from Excel and paper to a BMS platform only months prior, I really needed the migration process to be seamless. Breww had us covered! The backup and support, combined with the data importer within Breww, made migration as pain-free and simple as possible - the backup was incredible!
Moving the team over to a new platform was the next phase of our migration. As you do not have additional costs per user with Breww, every person in the business has access to the relevant parts of the system. Breww is so intuitive and easy to use that it did not take long before all areas of our business were up to speed, and it very quickly became our everyday practice.

The costs of inefficiency…
If you had told me that I could save 3 days per week of admin just by using Breww I would not have believed it, but that is exactly what we have been able to do.
The savings since using Breww are enormous, not only in upfront time but also in reduced admin and errors. Part-time staff were required to manage the mountain of paperwork created by daily sales orders, purchase orders and invoicing - now we handle all of this in Breww.
Our paperwork trail would pass through 3 teams from customer order to dispatch, leading to multiple errors, not to mention the amount of lost time.
The previous software works with additional costs per user - this is not right for any brewery. We need all of the teams able to access the data which is relevant to them. Breww gives incredible value for money, with pricing that is relevant and based on your production volumes. It makes so much sense!
We have set up multiple users in Breww with different access rights to the data. Our information is now easily shared, always accurate, linked and traceable. We have been able to increase our business, work vastly more efficiently as a result of Breww, and reduce our costs significantly in both time and wage bills.
We opted for Breww’s Advance Deliveries feature, this has paid for itself ten times over.
Routing before Breww was a 5-hour battle each day, constantly changing and updating as new orders would come in, trying to find the most efficient route and schedule for the multiple drops of the day. This is now so simple, the routes are plotted based on the most efficient route, based on real-life time-sensitive data from that area, with load planning, delivery scheduling, and barcode traceability.
Final thoughts…
Breww has revolutionised our entire business, there is not one area within the brewery where we have not seen improvements in efficiency and organisation.
As we look to increase our output and make our offering more diverse, we are confident knowing that Breww is capable of growing with us. Breww has exceeded our high expectations, and I would 100% recommend Breww. The service, the system and the whole setup are excellent. Breww is so simple to use and has vastly benefited our business even more than we anticipated.
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